Weight loss programs evaluated – Consult your doctor and take the diet information with you and ask questions. In my own experience with dieting I learned Rule # 1 about weight loss: If you take in more calories than you burn off every day, you will gain weight. If you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight – sounds simple and it is, but even this rule has it’s own rules. Try to walk an extra mile the first week, and add an additional mile the second week. Keep adding miles until you are walking up to three miles a day. Your goal is to burn as many calories as possible during your walk, because there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat.
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Diet high in protein

Diet foods you can make at home – Aspiring scientists and young fans of explosions may enjoy dropping pieces of Mentos candy into a container of Diet Coke. The reaction between the sharp edges of the candy and the carbon dioxide gas in the soda creates an eruption of foam, often reacting so strongly that a geyser can erupt into the air. There are a few tricks to creating a fountain of bubbles when mixing Mentos and Diet Coke. 30pm), you may consume some fruits (I suggest banana) with pieces of high-fibre biscuits before 2 hours of your excercise session. It provides you energy during your workout. <strong>Dinner</strong> For your diet programs, you may reduce your carbohydrates intake for your dinner.
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